Thursday, August 28, 2014

Is it Fall Yet?

School doesn't start for us until mid-September so even though summer feels like it is at an end we still have a little time before getting into our fall schedule. The girls are at an age where they are really getting into activities. Zelda is asking for gymnastics lessons and I am (finally!) enrolling them both in swim classes. I think she will be happy to go back to school but right now when I mention it she tells me she doesn't want to go. 

Our days have been filled with playgrounds, museums, play dates, ice cream and cartoons. Zelda has been having a great August, but I am truly exhausted. These outings take half the day and usually I am running after Portia collecting either her shoes (which she loves to take off and throw on the ground) or her diaper (which she also loves to take off). Maybe this fall we'll start potty training...