Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The biggest little bean

Zelda, you are into everything these days. 
- You love painting, but mostly on yourself. 
- You make new friends so easily and adore going to the playground so you can watch the big kids play tag and hide and seek. 
- You like to pretend to take naps and then wake up and surprise me.
- You are always sweet to everyone at school.
- You only wear your  party shoes outside, even if they are full of sand and falling apart.
- You like to take walks with the family and name everyone that is coming as you climb in your stroller. Then you name everyone that you know who is not on the walk. 
- You get so sleepy in the afternoon but refuse to take a nap. 
- You randomly do a happy dance throughout the day. 
- You wake up with the biggest knots in your hair and you refuse to let me brush them. 
- You are so cuddly, you like to hug and kiss everyone. 
- You are my favorite biggest little bean.