Thursday, April 11, 2013


 This little bean loves cooking with her dad. She is very good at whisking salad dressing and watching hot dogs grill on the stove. I'm sure she will be making duck a l'orange by next week.  Cooking with me is not as fun. Zelda will look at me and whisper, 'chocolate treat' and give me a huge smile. We immediately giggle and then look in the fridge for something to make and get depressed because 1. we have no chocolate treats and 2. we need to cook something that is not a chocolate treat. I change my mind four or five times about what we should put together, finally decide on defrosting some meat, Zelda gets frustrated and then we are both hungry for the next few hours. 

Peter comes home, looks at what I have laid out for dinner and gives us a quizzical look. He looks in the fridge instantly gets an idea for something that is healthy and delicious and starts to sing about it. His tunes usually go something like, 'brussel sprouts, brussel sprouts where are you?' Zelda starts dancing and together the two of them get started on making a real meal. It is always delicious, food tastes better when you sing to it.