Wednesday, June 4, 2014


We like to visit the playground in the morning before Zelda goes to school at noon. The mosquitoes come out around 4pm so I like to be inside in the early afternoon. The girls don't always get bitten, but I do! They had to wear their matching shirts and Zelda wanted to wear two different shoes. She likes to dress a little bit funky these days. Even though these two don't always play together at home they really like to in the playground. Zelda is a bit protective of Portia (who sometimes gets knocked over because she is still little).

Portia impressed me yesterday by climbing all the way up the ladder, that little girl has no fear. She likes to be up high. Sometimes I put them both on the kitchen counter while I am cooking. Then I run over and get the big fluffy doggy bed and place it on the floor underneath them. I know they won't fall but having the soft pillow below them always makes me feel better.