Wednesday, March 20, 2013
It has been a trying week in Brooklyn with my little beans. Poor Zelda was sick last week and has given Portia and me her cold. Not only are we under the weather, but Z has also decided she is no longer sleeping. Naps are a no go but now she doesn't go to sleep at night either. We go through the whole bedtime routine and I get her in the crib and then she starts wailing! Portia is in the crib next to her and she gets so startled by all the commotion that she starts wailing too. I try to leave and she hollers, 'mama!'. Tonight she hollered for an hour and a half before I went into her room to calm her down. The only way I could get her to sleep was if I lay down on the rug and waited until she fell asleep. That took another hour. I was very tempted to take her into our bed, but knew I shouldn't. I love the idea of co-sleeping with our little ladies (who wouldn't want to cuddle with the little lady pictured above?), but I think it would be awfully crowded and uncomfortable in reality. I hope tomorrow night is easier.