Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hazel's Favorites

Hazel LOVES these big girls. She will smile when she sees me but she will grin when she sees her sisters. Luckily the two older girls are gentle with the little one most of the time. Occasionally I leave the three of them alone in a room and hear screams and terrified cries a minute later. The big sisters are quick to tattle on each other so I usually know what happened and who did it. Zelda likes to play a jumping game over the baby and Portia likes to put her fingers in the babies mouth. Sometimes I catch Zelda with Hazel's fingers in her mouth. Hazel isn't fond of any of these but somehow these two girls are still her favorites.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Just Thinking

 It's rare that I see one of the girls in a moment of thought or rest. Even though they wake at 7 and go to bed at 9 it's not often that they sit for more than a few moments at a time. I caught Zelda under the bed a week ago, just hanging out by herself. She rarely is alone and is always asking to play with me or Portia. I asked her what she was thinking about and she said, 'soafslf' which is Zelda speak for 'I'm not telling you.' I guess I'll never know.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


First thing in the morning. This time of day is either the best or the worst. Sometimes one girl will wake the other one up before she is ready and then big fights ensue. If they both get to wake up on their own time I get a chance to feed Hazel, drink coffee and watch Zelda and Portia play. Lately they have been playing Sleeping Beauty. We just saw the movie, Maleficent, and Zelda now wants me to call her, Aurora. She likes to pretend I am Maleficent and Portia or Hazel is the crow. There is a lot of running away from me, hiding and giggling. It is very similar to hide and seek.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Hazel is at that baby stage where she is expressive, happy and sturdy! She no longer feels like a newborn, the baby can hold up her own head! It's really fun to observe her. Hazel loves to watch her sisters. She even lets them squish her face and sit in her lap, it's amazing! So far she does normal baby things and when she is sleepy she gets put in a bean bag chair.

Zelda's friends at school think the baby's name is, Basil so I have been calling her that recently too. It's catchy.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Portia on a sleepover

When the girls spend the night at their aunt Abby's house Zelda gets to sleep in the bed. Portia gets a very elaborate assortment of cushions and blankets which she stays on for just a moment before ending up on the floor. This girl still sleeps in her crib at home but maybe she would be happy just sleeping on the rug. It would be nice to give the crib to Hazel, right now she is sleeping in a pack n'play.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Nonsense Singing

It's the season for summer dresses and running around barefoot. The girls are very good at both of those. Portia is always in motion, I can never take a picture of her standing still! She was running so fast last week she fell on the sidewalk outside our house and has a big, bloody scab. I have heard that now is the time of year little kids tend to end up in the ER. I believe it these two spend a lot of time these days running around the neighborhood. I love it though, sometimes they run and sing, sometimes they sing Frozen songs but most of the time it is nonsense. Nonsense singing and running, that is how we are up to this spring.